Monday, 10 August 2015

Blending the Times

I do not know whether anyone has experienced this, but after my exams ended in June, I was diagnosed with a serious case of STYLE BLOCK. Yes. A month of non-stop exams had sucked me dry of all the creative blood I had once had pulsing through my veins. I looked at jeans, and I saw... jeans. I looked at a belt, and I saw... a belt. I was well and truly broken. BUT NO MORE! Turns out all I needed was a little retail therapy in the form of browsing Oxford Street for a day! I am cured. Finally.
So, my creative bones are healed and I can now introduce to you my style inspiration for the next year or so: a 90s baseline with 70s chords, and a 60s melody. You're probably confused. I will be trying to combine 3 iconic time periods in my dress sense. It will be a challenge, but I'm looking forward to experimenting with bell sleeves and flared jeans; tunics and Mary Janes; and Mom jeans and flannels!

It looks as though my flagship stores will be Zara, Bershka and Mango for these particular styles. Somehow, from what I saw today, they have managed to find the perfect equilibrium between the runway and the high street, the balance that I have been desperately striving for in my personal fashion sense.

Anyway, a picture paints a thousand words, so feast your eyes on some of my inspiration!


  1. I am looking forward to seeing more of your creative outfits.

  2. I'm obsessed with all these styles!!! I'm so glad old is new in fashion now, and what should be so wrong is so right! Great post

  3. ❥ Lovely post. I only admire the beautiful Aaliyah, I really liked her style when I was a teenager !

    Follow me now on GFC, I always follow back.



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